I’m about 80% recovered from Tuesday’s minor disaster. I eventually had to a complete wipe and reinstall of the operating system, followed by migrating the old user account over. Bleah. Not everything restored perfectly, but all my data seems to be intact. What’s annoying are the little things, like losing my font settings in Thunderbird, or System Events getting turned off.
The biggest problem so far is that iTunes can’t find my library, although all the files seem to be in the right place. OK. I think I figured that one out. The Tiger installer installed iTunes 4 but I was using iTunes 6, so I need to upgrade again. I don’t know why it didn’t get iTunes 6 when it imported all the old applications.
I have taken the opportunity to fix a few things I should have fixed long ago. For instance I’m now configuring most of my AppleScripts to ask Finder where the home directory is rather than just hard coding it.
tell application "Finder"
set theHome to home as string
end tell
set quotesfile to theHome & "Cafe au Lait:support:quotes.html"
This will mean I can use the same scripts on my laptop as I do on my desktop.