Panama Day 9: #752-#767 at Los Altos de Maria
Monday we spent at Los Altos de Maria, another retirement community not yet completely built up relatively high in the mountains. But first we pulled over in the El Valle where some swallows were swooping including #752, Blue-and-white Swallow
I got three more lifers pulling out along the road to Los Altos de Maria including
- Common Bush-Tanager
- Black-and-yellow Tanager (spotted by me)
- Ochraceous Wren
- Gray-breasted Wood Wren
And then in Los Altos de Maria itself 11 more:
- Pale-vented Thrush
- Spotted Woodcreeper
- Red-faced Spinetail
- Rufous-browed Tyrannulet
- Russet Antshrike
- Spotted Barbtail
- Emerald Toucanet (aka Blue-throated Toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis)
- Snowcap (a local speciality Hummingbird)
- Long-tailed Tyrant
- Bran-colored Flycatcher
- Spot-crowned Antvireo
I missed White-throated Thrush and Cinnamon-backed Woodpecker though, and sadly the Golden Frogs that used to be here are now extinct in the wild :-(
Only two days left and 33 birds to go to hit 800. It’s going to be close.