Annual Maintenance

Saturday, January 4th, 2025

I’m in process of doing my usual New Year’s batch of host changes, DNS reroutes, software upgrades and the like. If you notice anything wonky on any of my sites, please drop me an email. Thanks.

Update: site is mostly migrated and updated. Now if I can just figure out how to turn off the WordPress block editor…

2024 The Year in Birds

Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Overall 2024 was a slow year. I didn’t travel anywhere I hadn’t been before, and I lost a month of prime rarity season in New York to a bout with pneumonia that put me in the hospital for over a week. But there were still some interesting birds to be found the rest of the year.

I finished the year with 364 species total (surprisingly 19 more than 2023, perhaps because I traveled to the West Coast a couple of times for the first time since quarantine) but no life birds. (Harris’s Sparrow was new on my ebird life list, but I did see one on Long Island years ago before eBird was a thing.) I did pick up some species for my state and county lists though.