Desert Cottontails

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Desert Cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii
William R. Mason Regional Park, 2008-07-07

These rabbits are all over Orange County. It took me a while to ID them though.
At first I thought they might be released pets like the rabbits back home in Prospect Park, but apparently they’re native. Despite the name, they seem to do quite well in local well-irrigated suburban parks, subdivisions, and chaparral.

The key fieldmark by which you can recognize them is the rufous fur on the back of the neck and the forelegs. The tail also shows a dark patch which isn’t present in an Eastern Cottontail or a Brush Rabbit, but that’s not always obvious if they have their tail tucked up as they usually do.

Funereal Duskywing

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

White limned brown butterfly on yellow flower
Funereal Duskywing, Erynnis funeralis
San Joaquin Wildlife Refuge, 2008-06-20

Mexican Cactus Fly

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Huge black fly gathering pollen
Mexican Cactus Fly, Copestylum mexicana
Tustin Market, Tustin, CA, 2008-05-31

This is the single largest fly I have ever seen. Until I looked closer, I thought it was a carpenter bee, and a large one at that.

Long-bodied Cellar Spider

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

Long-legged spider with prey
Long-bodied Cellar Spider, Pholcus phalangioides
Irvine, CA, 2008-06-10

This one appears to be eating some other spider.

Mexican Amberwing

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

copper colored dragonfly, perched
Mexican Amberwing, Perithemis intensa
San Diego Wild Animal Park, 2008-06-07

White-lined Sphinx

Monday, June 9th, 2008

White striped brown sphinx moth
White-lined Sphinx, Hyles lineata
Santiago Oaks Regional Park, 2008-05-04