Who Cares About Your Permanent Record?

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

A lot of old fogies are getting bent out of shape over the idea that 20 or 30 years from now today’s teenagers are going to get hammered by random screeds and bad dating habits they posted on blogs or MySpace. Can I chime in and say I really don’t think it’s all that big a deal? By the time any of this becomes relevant, the electorate will have matured enough that they really don’t care about this.

Scoble Catches Winer Disease

Monday, January 29th, 2007

Apparently it’s now all about Robert. When someone links to the New York Times instead of him, it’s a direct personal assault, not that we happen to read the New York Times more than Scoble so we never even noticed his original piece, or that we prefer a well-written text piece to a long streaming video.

P.S. Scoble was more interesting when he was blogging from inside Microsoft. That at least gave him a perspective most people did not have. Now he’s just one of dozens of independent bloggers.

Upgrading WordPress

Monday, January 15th, 2007

I’ve upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.0.7 to close various security holes (though I very much doubt this release closes the last of them. WordPress is still breaking one of the most fundamental rules of HTTP: Thou shalt not use GET for unsafe operations.) Holler if you notice anything funky.

Full Text Feeds and Other Matters

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

I’ve managed to get the full text feeds going again. However the paragraph breaks and some other markup is getting lost. More work is needed. I’ve also managed to put one Google ad back on the site without obviously breaking Safari like the old ads did. Still, for the time being most longer articles can be more easily read in a browser on the site than in your feed reader.

Update: The full text feeds should now be fully functional with all markup intact. Holler if you notice any problems. I still need to check the category specific feeds and the comment feeds.

Better Late than Never: Atom 1.0 Arrives

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

John Cowan suggested I should be using Atom 1.0 on this site, and Adam Constabaris told me I could do it with a plug-in, even if WordPress is severely lagging on Atom 1.0 support. I’ve now installed the plug-in which is going to change all my feeds to Atom 1.0. There are no more RSS or Atom 0.3 feeds. The old URLs all still work–cool URLs don’t change, of course–but they now serve Atom 1.0 insead of 0.3 or RSS.

A New Theme

Monday, September 25th, 2006

I’ve implemented a significantly revised theme here on Mokka mit Schlag. The main change was switching to a Holy Grail style of positioning. This works much better on Safari, and somewhat better on Firefox. However the big change was removing the Google adds from the sidebar. They likely will return at some point. However, the revelation that finally enabled me to fix the Safari problems was that it was precisely the AdSense iframe that was getting in my way.